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2023 Water Quality Report

2023 Annual Water Quality Report

It is an honor to serve our community each day by delivering to you one of life’s most precious resources, safe, clean, and reliable drinking water. Each year we have the opportunity to share with you how well we have done by publishing our water quality results in a report. We are excited to share with you that in 2023, KID’s water quality has met or exceeded all regulatory requirements. The water that we deliver is continually sampled and tested to ensure its quality. The test results are then sent to and reviewed by the State of Utah’s Division of Drinking Water to ensure the quality of our water that is being produced and delivered to you each day.

With the abundance of the moisture received this winter, we anticipate that our lakes and streams will be replenished. Even with this abundance, we encourage you to please continue good conservation practices. Please visit our website at to find water saving tips and conservation grant opportunities that will help you in this important effort. KID and its customers were recognized this past year for their conservation efforts. The EPA’s WaterSense® organization awarded KID the “2023 Excellence in Outreach and Education Award”. This honor was only given to four (4) water providers nationwide. Thank you for your efforts.

In the report we have tried to anticipate the questions, or concerns that you may have regarding the water. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact me or John Lawson, KID’s Water Quality Specialist, at (801) 968-1011, and we will provide the information you need. Our commitment and promise to our customers, our employees, and our community is that you will know that WE CARE!

Cursive handwriting of the name "F. Greg Anderson."


General Manager/CEO

2023 Water Quality Report.pdf

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